Precision Turning

Quality standards

XYZ 555 3 metre gap bed pro-turn lathe this machine can turn shafts up to 3 metres long up to 350mm over the saddle and flanges up to 800mm diameter.

Tur 560 3 metre CNC lathe with Siemens 840 shop turn control 8 station sauter. Turret turn 3 meters with 280mm diameter over saddle flange diameter 400mm.

This machine can be used as a manual machine as well as a CNC. This machine has a 4 station automatic tool post.

Victor v turn 26/110 with cassette bar feed this machine is a long bed CNC it can turn up to a meter in length it has a 10 station turret fixed steady and a cassette bar feed.

That is fully automatic. This machine can do small or large batches.